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Specialized financial assistance in high-value divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 30, 2020 | Family Law

Divorces are never easy for any Wisconsin couple. Marriages that have lasted for a significant time or those where couples have collectively earned considerable incomes over a shorter period can still be complicated when marital property is being distributed. One of the most contentious issues in a divorce is often the value of certain property and actual disposition with respect to personal or marital inclusion. And when a divorcing couple cannot agree on specific values, it is often best to retain a certified divorce financial assistant for an independent evaluation of all assets.

Take care of paperwork

The first step a CDFA will take is gathering all documentation regarding both personal and marital assets. Each item will be assessed for accurate and reasonable value based on specific comparative criteria. But placing a true value on each asset is not where it stops. A CDFA will also look at a personal budget going forward for the client as well as long-term plans for eventual retirement.

Plan for financial independence

This is excellent information when beginning anew, and it also provides solid information for a Wisconsin attorney when crafting an effective and equitable divorce decree agreement. Living single is often an unfamiliar stage of life for many who are emerging from a marriage, and a CDFA can be a real positive for this precarious position that so many find themselves in. And when there are children involved, there also concerns regarding child support and family income going forward that a CDFA can help establish.

Divorcing spouses should always remember that legal ramifications are vital at the time the case goes to court, and often, this is the best opportunity to be equitably compensated regarding division of marital property. Details matter significantly, and the value of all marital assets needs professional evaluation in many cases. CDFA input can clearly give a divorce attorney more leverage in settling the case.