From February to March 2020, the AI firm Netradyne held an online survey on distracted driving, and 1,248 people participated. All had a standard driving license, were 18 or older and used a car at least once a week. The survey results should be of interest to drivers in Wisconsin who believe that the roads are becoming more dangerous.
Respondents shared their safety concerns
Half of the survey respondents were concerned that driving is, indeed, becoming less safe, and 81% believed that distracted driving is on the rise. When it came to their opinion of truck drivers, one in five thought them to be unsafe. Only 9% could say the same for themselves, and over half did not agree that they could improve their driving.
Effects of distracted driving
Anything that occupies a driver’s hands or takes the driver’s eyes or mind off the road is a distraction. The most commonly cited distraction in the survey was drinking liquids whereas the most serious turned out to be using social media.
Of the respondents, one in seven admitted to having a distracted driving accident where they were injured or suffered the loss of their vehicle. In addition, 20% said that they were fined or received points on their license because of their distracted driving habits. It’s within a driver’s control, though, to suppress most distractions.
For the victims of a distracted driver
Like many victims of motor vehicle accidents, you may have good reason to file a personal injury claim. Perhaps the driver who crashed into you was using their phone or distracted in some other way. Proving distraction can be hard in some cases, but whatever the situation is, you may want a lawyer to help you with the filing, the gathering of evidence, the settlement negotiations and, if necessary, litigation.