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April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

by | Apr 15, 2019 | Car Accident

According to the National Safety Council, every day at least 9 Americans die and 100 are injured in motor vehicle crashes caused by distracted driving. Distractions include everything from cell phones to dashboard touch screens and other in-vehicle technologies. This has become such a national epidemic that the NSC is asking all drivers to take the Pledge to Just Drive. More information can be found at www.nsc.org.

At Hammett, Bellin & Oswald law firm, too often we have to deal with the trauma caused by distracted driving crashes. Property damage, injuries, ambulance bills, hospital bills, lost time at work, insurance claims and more can be life altering. We support the efforts to stop distracted driving and to make our community safer. Consider taking the Pledge today.
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