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Legal Service That’s Close To Home

Year: 2018


On April 3, 2018, the Wisconsin legislature passed 2017 Wisconsin Act 203. Act 203 repealed Wis. Stat. 767.481 (the removal statute) and completely replaces it under the same statute section number. The new relocation statute applies to all new paternity and divorce...

Have Fun But Stay Safe On St. Patrick’s Day

Here in Wisconsin, St. Patrick’s Day is traditionally a day of fun and celebration. There are numerous events in the Fox Valley, including the famous St. Patrick’s Day parade in New London, Wisconsin. However, St. Patrick’s Day is also one of the most dangerous days...

Trump Tax Law Impacts Divorcing Couples

On December 22,2017, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Job Acts, sweeping legislation that impacts the entire country in diverse ways. Under the law, the corporate tax rate is reduced from 35% to 21%. Although there remain seven income tax brackets, income...

Appleton Fatal Car Accidents

Car accidents can be fatal. In Appleton, an average of 1.6 fatal car accidents occur each year. Approximately 44 percent of these accidents involved alcohol. Among the recorded fatal collisions, approximately one third occurred on roadways with speed limits 25 miles...