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Anticipating the Long-Term Effects of a Car Accident

What you should expect after a serious accident

If you’ve been involved in a serious car accident, you have firsthand knowledge of the tremendous physical and emotional toll that such incidents produce. Unfortunately, the initial shock of the accident is just the beginning: After some crashes, physical and mental pain and difficulty—not to mention legal and financial disputes—can persist for months or years.

It’s not uncommon for medical conditions to remain undiagnosed even long after an accident, which is why it’s important to hire an attorney that will not push for a quick settlement. Your attorney should take the time to meet with you, speak with your medical providers, and take the time to ensure you’re healed before even attempting a settlement. Settling too soon can result in financially devastating consequences. If you call Hammett, Bellin & Oswald, you can speak with an experienced car accident lawyer, not just a phone service or investigator.

Learn more about what to expect after an accident that involves you or a loved one.

Acute Trauma

The most obvious effects of a car accident include the acute injuries that you experience as a direct result of the crash. These might include:

• Broken bones, including limbs, ribs, and pelvic bones

• Dislocated joints

• Facial injuries that necessitate reconstructive surgery

• Head trauma that can cause bleeding or swelling in the brain and lead to acute neurological issues

Recovery from any of these acute injuries can take months or years. During this potentially lengthy recovery period, it’s important to work with a trusted personal injury attorney who can handle the legal issues surrounding your accident.

Delayed Psychological Effects

Even if you and your medical team have identified the acute physical problems that result from your accident, the psychological effects of the incident can take time to make themselves apparent. According to studies, passengers may be at an even greater risk for delayed psychological trauma, including:

• Persistent anxiety
• Symptoms of depression
• Sleep problems
• New phobias or obsessive behaviors
• Behavioral changes that may affect your relationships

Although the gradual nature of post-accident psychological issues may lull you into thinking that everything is okay, it’s important to monitor your emotional health and seek professional assistance if problems persist or more than two or three months.

Long-Term Injuries and Disabilities

Unfortunately, serious car accidents can result in long-term physical injuries and permanent disability as well. These might include:

• Spinal or vertebral damage that affects your mobility
• Persistent back problems
• Loss of dexterity or limb use
• Partial or total paralysis

It’s important to retain an experienced lawyer who can help you document all evidence of residual injury and ensure that you receive just compensation for your claim.

Find a Trustworthy Car Accident Lawyer in Neenah and Appleton, WI

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, including a potentially lengthy period of physical recovery, is an intensely personal experience. At HBO Law Firm, we’re passionate about supporting our clients as they turn the page on this traumatic period in their lives. When you hire us, you won’t have to worry about complex legal issues, crushing loads of paperwork, or disruptive, stressful phone calls. We’ll handle all that. Learn more about how we can help by visiting our website and completing our contact form to schedule a free consultation.