Seeking Compensation For Back Injuries
Nearly any type of accident can cause a victim to suffer a back injury. Back injuries, like any other type of injury, can be fairly mild and require only rest and over-the-counter painkillers to treat or they can be severe, potentially disabling the victim for life. When an individual suffers a back injury because of another party’s negligence and subsequently experiences financial damages like high medical bills, a temporarily or permanently reduced earning capacity, and an overall reduction to his or her quality of life, he or she can seek compensation for these damages through a personal injury claim with the help of an Appleton personal injury attorney.
In Wisconsin, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is three years from the date of the accident that caused the injury. Individuals involved in accidents should make receiving medical attention for their injuries their first priority and seeking monetary compensation their second priority. If you were injured in or near Appleton, head to one of the area hospitals like St. Elizabeth Hospital or ThedaCare Regional Medical Center as soon as possible to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care for your injury.
Accidents That Can Cause Back Injuries
Whenever the back suffers an impact, it can suffer an injury. Accidents that can cause back injuries include:
- Car accidents
- Truck accidents
- Slips and falls
- Instances of medical malpractice
- Pedestrian accidents
- Bicycle accidents
- Construction site accidents
- Accidents involving projectile or falling objects
- Animal encounters
Spinal Cord Injuries
An injury to the back can mean an injury to the spinal cord, which can have permanent complications. The spinal cord is a critical piece of the central nervous system. This thick tubular column in the back protects the nerves that transport signals through the body, directing voluntary and involuntary movements and reactions to stimuli to the brain.
Because the spinal cord is closely tied to the brain’s function, a spinal cord injury could lead to neurological as well as physical complications. A spinal cord injury victim can experience one or more of the following:
- Reduced or diminished bladder or bowel control
- Sexual dysfunction
- Paralysis
- Loss of skin sensation, which can put the victim at a greater risk of suffering a burn, frostbite or cuts
- Circulatory issues like high blood pressure, low blood pressure and an increased risk of blood clots
- Respiratory issues like difficulty breathing and an increased risk of pneumonia
- Chronic pain throughout the body
- Mental health difficulties like depression. This can occur because of the difficulty of transitioning to life with a spinal cord injury and handling the physical symptoms discussed above. These complications can be frustrating and embarrassing for a previously able-bodied individual.
Through a personal injury claim, a victim can seek compensation for all medical expenses, including hospitalization, medication and the cost of rehabilitative therapy. He or she can also seek compensation for pain and suffering damages, which include the emotional trauma of experiencing an injury and the need for disability aids like a wheelchair or modifications to his or her home to accommodate the wheelchair.
Long-term Complications Of A Back Injury
Certain back injury complications are permanent, like paralysis. Others can be partially or even completely overcome through medical treatment and rehabilitative therapy. Whether an individual’s complications are permanent or temporary depend largely on the circumstances of his or her accident and the severity of the injury. Even in cases where the individual makes a full recovery, he or she can still experience lingering pain for years after the accident.
Seeking Compensation
In order to prove that your injury was the direct result of another party’s negligence, you must provide sufficient evidence to support this claim. Evidence can include photographs of the accident, witness testimonies, documents showing that you received medical care and that you had to leave work to recover, and a testimony from your doctor discussing your prognosis. Your lawyer can help you obtain and make use of these documents.
Work With An Experienced Lawyer
A back injury can permanently change your life. If you are involved in any type of accident, seek medical attention as soon as you can to ensure that you receive an appropriate diagnosis and treatment for your injury. Then, speak with an experienced Appleton car accident attorney about your right to file a personal injury claim and how to pursue this route to compensation. Contact our team online or call 920-202-8872.